Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Letter to Hawaii

A letter sent Oct 21, 2009 to the Hawaii governor, lieutenant governor, and every member of the Hawaii House and Senate:

Dear Representative:

A matter with serious national implications has come to my attention that I believe requires your immediate attention.

Administrative rules for departments and agencies in Hawaii are required to be made public - by having them for public viewing at the Lieutenant Governor's office and county clerks' offices, by posting on the internet, and by making copies available to the public on request with a copy/mailing fee.

Not only are the DOH administrative rules not available to the public as required by law, the DOH refuses to answer questions about their practices.

In January of 2005 Public Health Regulations "Rules of Practice and Procedure" was repealed and replaced by Administrative Rules. Each office was to adopt their own chapters showng the new rules using a detailed process requiring public notification of all the proposed rules and/or changes to them, public hearings, and a system of checks and balances within the Hawaii government itself. For most offices, the rules are posted online, containing the dates that the hearings were announced, when the rules were approved, and when they were posted.

The vital statistics department doesn't have its rules published. Looking at , all that is said is that they are converting from Public Health Regulations Chapters 8, 8a, and 8b and that changes are in process. Chapters 117, 120, and 123 are specifically listed as in the process of being replaced, involving foreign births and adoptions. However, when looking for proposed changes at Chapter 117, 120, and 123 are not listed. I e-mailed Fukino's and Onaka's offices asking to see the proposed changes. I got no response at all. So Dr. Alvin Onaka's office currently has no administrative rules that it publicly admits to having.

At least one person asked to see the administrative rules over 2 months ago. Another will be contacting the OIP on Thursday regarding the DOH refusal to answer her request for information that is, by law, supposed to be available to the public even without anyone asking to see it.

In June the Department of Hawaiian Homelands changed their requirements regarding proof of Hawaiian birth. This came immediately after World Net Daily published an article saying that a COLB is not even accepted by the DHHL as proof of a Hawaiian birth. Shortly after that article the DHHL said they didn't need copies of original long-form birth certificates and the DOH said they no longer print certified copies of long-form birth certificates. They also switched the title on their CertificaTION of Live Birth so that the same document now says CertifiCATE of Live Birth.

I e-mailed the Attorney General to ask what procedures were followed to make those changes in administrative policy. I asked him to make sure that all e-mails regarding this subject be saved and an investigation be initiated. I never heard back from AG Mark Bennett.

Later, when I saw for myself the law detailing how administrative changes must be made, I e-mailed Onaka and Fukino to ask when the hearing for those specific changes were announced publicly, when the hearing was held, and when the changes were approved. I have yet to hear from either regarding those issues.

For over a year now, Chiyome Fukino and Janice Okubo have answered all requests for information regarding Obama's birth records by saying they are not allowed to say anything because of confidentiality issues. When Attorney Leo Donofrio and his colleague read the UIPA text saying that all index data must be available to the public, they began to make specific UIPA requests. One day after a request for an amended original birth certificate Fukino made a public announcement regarding Obama's birth records - an announcement that Okubo revealed was approved by Attorney General Mark Bennett. Responses by Janice Okubo to World Net Daily indicated that the release of the information was not authorized by Obama, since the DOH was still claiming they couldn't reveal information without Obama's permission.

I e-mailed AG Mark Bennett to ask what had changed, that Fukino's reason to withhold information for over a year was suddenly no longer the case. It is almost 3 months later and I have not heard back from Mark Bennett.

Hawaii law says that all documents created or maintained by the State of Hawaii for the purpose of informing the public must be available to the public on request - redacting any vital records information that hasn't already been made public. It also says that once the major finding from an attorney general's opinion letter is revealed to the public, the opinion letter itself needs to be made available to the public upon request. According to these laws, all documents which Fukino used in order to make her July 27 statement that they have vital documents on file which prove Obama was born in Hawaii and is a "natural-born American citizen" must be made available upon request - including those vital documents, with non-revealed information redacted.

Those documents have been requested and refused. I believe there is a lawsuit in the works to see all these things which by Hawaii law are supposed to be available within 10 days to anyone who asks for them.

As you know from what I said before, the administrative rules which would reveal exactly what is meant by "on record" (the wording used in Fukino's 2008 press release) versus "on file" (the wording used in the July 27, 2009 release AND on the COLB Obama published on are illegally hidden from the public. The DOH refuses to explain what is meant by the wording. They could just as well be speaking elvish and gleefully refusing to let anybody know what their words mean. Is this the kind of "openness" Hawaii expects out of her public servants?

The DOH was not answering UIPA requests according to the required 4 types of responses. When the OIP was brought in because of complaints, the DOH temporarily began answering requests as required by law. Those answers revealed that Obama's birth certificate has been amended. They also revealed that the DOH had no documents on Barack Hussein Obama II as of Aug 9, 1961 - even though Obama's posted COLB says it was FILED BY REGISTRAR on Aug 8, 1961. This strongly suggests that the online COLB Obama posted was fraudulent, and that the DOH knows it is fraudulent but has chosen to give the appearance of affirming its authenticity.

People have the idea that Obama was born in a Hawaii hospital - either Queens or Kapiolani, since both have been named by Obama or his relatives as his birhtplace, one claim on White House letterhead with raised seal and Obama signature. But the White House refuses to say whether that letter is authentic. If he was born in a Hawaii hospital, that hospital would have made out a long-form birth certificate with signatures, sent it to the DOH, and the birth certificate would be accepted by the state registrar. From then on, any requests for information would be answered by the information on that long-form birth certificate and placed on a COLB containing only the information that the person or an "interested party" knew and wanted verified. Potentially embarrassing information could simply be left off the COLB.

The fact that Obama's posted COLB shows a filing date before the DOH says they had any information on him says something is definitely fishy. The fact that a secret AG opinion had to be acquired before Fukino could say that Obama was born in Hawaii and/or is a "natural-born American citizen" says something is fishy. And the fact that nobody at the DOH will explain what the words mean, nor follow their own laws to reveal what their administrative rules/procedures are so we can figure out what the words mean says that the DOH KNOWS SOMETHING IS FISHY. This is NOT a clear-cut case of a hospital birth duly recorded with the state registrar.

For the last week or so - shortly after Obama gave an executive order authorizing his "czars" to work toward improving opportunities for native Hawaiians - the DOH has not been answering UIPA requests. Expect OIP involvement in many, many cases of DOH obfuscation as a result of this. One person who called in was told that Fukino was not in Hawaii last week. I noticed that she made an announcement about H1N1 vaccines arriving at her office though. And surely somebody was at the office.

The pattern here is disturbing. Hawaii has good laws on the books. Unfortunately, it seems the people in Hawaii's offices refuse to follow those laws.

I am requesting a formal legislative investigation of the doings at the Department of Health, the Department of Hawaiian Homelands, and the Attorney General's office involving these issues. In particular:

1) The failure to create administrative rules to replace "Rules of Practice and Procedure", which was repealed in January of 2005.

2) The failure to follow the law requiring the administrative rules in current use to be available to the public.

3) The mid-June amending of the rules and requirements at DOH and DHHL without following the necessary steps for creating or amending them.

4) The legality of the July 27, 2009 statement about Obama's records without his consent.

5) Whether or not the DOH reported to law enforcement or FBI what they knew to be the posting of a fraudulent COLB by Barack Hussein Obama II.

6) What communications the DOH and AG Mark Bennett have had with the White House or any member of the US Congress, influencing their decisions.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing your response. Please e-mail me with any questions you have regarding what I've said.

(Name redacted)
(E-mail redacted)

CC: Hawaii Senate Members
Hawaii House Members

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Six Months of Obama...Part 3

compiled by justincase

42. Promised to shield Iran from UN Security Council sanctions( 42a)– much like Jacques Chirac shielded Saddam Hussein from UNSC action during the Oil-For-Food corruption (42b).

43. Threatened to use UN Security Council veto power against Israel if they don’t give up settlement land agreed on during the Bush presidency. Have frozen arms sales to Israel. (43)

44. Used UN resolutions and sanctions, economic retaliation, and the OAS (Organization of American States) (44a) to try to force Honduras to break their own Constitution (44b).

45. Though required by a bill Obama co-sponsored to give the reasons for firing an inspector general 30 days before actually firing him/her, Obama is now refusing to document his reasons for firing Gerald Walpin, claiming the need to protect “core executive branch confidentiality interests”. Although claiming to have done an in-depth investigation, it is known that in making its decision the White House never contacted Walpin or the people at the meeting where he was allegedly “confused”. (45)

46. Is threatening to carry out a nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia without obeying the Constitutional requirement of having the Senate ratify it with a 2/3 vote, saying that following the Constitution might be too “difficult” since it would require 7 republican Senators to sign on in addition to the 60 democrats. (46)



(43) and its many associated links





Friday, July 3, 2009

Six Months of Obama...Part 2

Compiled by justincase.

38. On January 21, 2009 Obama said he would not hire lobbyists. (38a and this) As of May 7th he had hired 30 as senior administration officials (11%) - with Congress poised to approve another (38b). Congressional clerks have “clarified” the definition of “lobbyist” (which allows more lawyers to de-list from lobbyist status) (38c) and the first quarter saw a 25% increase in the number of people de-listing. (38d) It isn’t known how many Obama has hired who have recently de-listed or who fit through other loopholes. (38e).

39. On June 10, 2009 the Obama administration called British officials to inform them that they , without consulting Britain, had released 4 Uighurs (pronounced wee-gers) - Chinese Muslim terrorists - from Gitmo and had put them on a plane to Bermuda, a British territory. After hearing back from British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, the administration described the response this way: “They’re pissed.” (39)

40. Despite campaign promises of bi-partisanship, has answered the other side of the aisle by saying, “I won” (40a) and “Only I am the president of the United States” (40b). Has said nothing in rebuke of democratic Congressional leaders who have changed the House fairness rules (40c), stacked powerful committees with disproportionate ratios of democrats (40d), locked Republicans out of meetings altogether before announcing a “bi-partisan agreement” (40e), and repeatedly shut down ethics probes of politicians’ pork-barrel paybacks for large campaign donors. (40f)

41. Set up a website for people to suggest how the government could be more transparent and accountable. By far, the top response was that Obama should disclose his long-form, non-forged birth certificate to prove his Constitutional eligibility for office. The administration responded by removing many of the posts about it (41a)– the only posts on the site that were deleted. Only Obama knows which suggestions will be considered for action, since , as the website says,“The ideas that received the most organized support were not necessarily the most viable suggestions.”(41b)

(38a) and










(40e) and




Monday, June 29, 2009

Six Months of Obama

In less than six months since Obama’s inauguration, he or his administration has…

(If 5 or more of the items are new to you, you seriously need to supplement your current news source to remain adequately informed about what is happening in the world)

1. Appointed (so far, according to Politifact) 28 “czars” with powers supreme to any existing Constitutional agencies, including “czars” for: TARP, Border, Intelligence, Terrorism, Energy, Urban Affairs, Weapons, Technology, AIDS, Great Lakes, Health, Stimulus Accountability, Faith-based, Pay, Guantanamo Closure, Sudan, Afghanistan, Science, Green-Jobs, Drug, Information, Mideast Peace, Car, Mideast Policy, WMD, Climate, Regulatory, and Economic.(1a)Even Dem Senator Robert Byrd (3rd in line to the presidency) says Obama’s “czars” violate the Constitution’s separation of powers and checks and balances by eliminating Congressional oversight demanded in the US Constitution. (1b)Powers not delegated to the US in the Constitution are reserved by the Tenth Amendment for either the states or the people – out-of-bounds for the federal government. How many of the above areas of control are delegated to the US in the Constitution?

2. Threatened solvent banks into taking TARP funds, took control of TARP banks, and then refused to let the large solvent banks pay back TARP in order to get out from White House control. (2a, b, c)

3. Taken over Chrysler and broken bankruptcy law to give the United Auto Workers Union the assets that belonged to secured debt-holders. (3)

4. Threatened Chrysler debt-holders who filed suit over broken bankruptcy law with defamation by the White House Press Corps (obviously believing he owns/controls the press) and with IRS and SEC harassment. (4 ).

5. Insisted that the stimulus bill made available at 11pm on Thursday (5a ) be passed the next day , before anyone could read what was in it (5b)– then went on vacation to Chicago until Tuesday, when he finally signed such an “urgent” bill (5c)

6. Specifically included in the stimulus bill executive bonuses such as those for AIG and when the public found out sent busloads of ACORN volunteers to circle AIG executives’ houses, followed by Obama telling execs that he was the “only thing standing between you and the pitchforks.” (6)

7. Included in the stimulus package a RAT (Recovery Accountability and Transparency) Board, to be appointed by Obama, which would decide what inspectors general can investigate. (7)

8. Angered Canada, Europe, and Russia by forcing stimulus funds to be used only to “Buy American” – prompting retaliatory regulations by them. (8)

9. Signed a partisan stimulus bill which liberals and conservatives alike believe will make the national debt we hand to our children 82% of Gross Domestic Product (everything we produce) within ten years – with each household responsible for $155,000. (9)

10. In the months since the stimulus was passed, unemployment rates have formed a trajectory much, much worse than the most dismal expectations for unemployment if no deficit-producing stimulus bill had been passed. (10)

11. Pushed for such punitive corporate taxation that Microsoft – headed by vocal Obama supporter Bill Gates – will move jobs offshore to avoid them if Obama’s tax plan is passed. Other countries are lowering tax rates to encourage investment and job growth in their countries during the financial stress. American jobs will move to those places in order to survive.(11)

12. Returned with a “no thanks” the statue of Winston Churchill that Britain loaned to President Bush as a symbol of solidarity after 9-11 (12a). Shortly thereafter he treated Gordon Brown as an afterthought during his visit (12b). Obama’s gift to Brown was a set of DVD’s that won’t play in Britain. (12c)

13. Been unable to find people for his cabinet who weren’t tax cheats or guilty of some other criminal offense. Finally settled on a tax cheat to head the Treasury Dept. (13)

14. Demanded the resignation of the CEO of a private company (GM)). (14a) Has appointed a “pay czar” to decide how much executives in the private sector can earn. (14b)

15. Put the US Census under White House control rather than the Dept of Commerce. (15a) The census determines which states get what electoral votes (15b). The census will in part be taken by stimulus-funded ACORN workers (15c)– the group implicated in massive voter registration fraud all over the country (15d), which was instrumental in forcing banks to do subprime lending leading to the financial crisis (15e), which illegally campaigned for Obama (15f) , which Congress gives lots of money to, and which Congress refuses to investigate for corruption (15g) (although its leaders have already been found guilty of economic fraud once))(15h) Obama tried to pass a bill protecting ACORN from criminal prosecution for its violations of Truth-in-Lending laws (15i).

16. Given speeches abroad apologizing for the US. (16)

17. Calling them “unproven”, drastically reduced funding for the US missile defense system – the only thing currently protecting US soil as far east as Denver, CO ( 17a) from threatened North Korean missiles - and defunded the European missile shield (17b) after pledging in April to continue working on it only if it is “cost-effective. “ (17c)

18. Said that Iran has a right to nuclear “energy”, (18a) shortly before even the IAEA’s el-Baradai was forced to admit that Iran was seeking nuclear weapons and not just energy (18b), while Iran has been testing its long-range delivery systems putting Israel, Russia, and southern Europe easily in range (18c) . US intelligence last year suggested that Iran could have a nuclear bomb by February of 2009 (18d) and the IAEA corroborated in January that Iran indeed has the enriched uranium to do just that.(18e)

19. Put out a memo to law enforcement countrywide that vets and supporters of limited government are potential terrorists (19)

20. Around the time the FBI caught 4 Black Muslim converts planting bombs (20a), ordered the FBI to stop investigating Black Muslim terrorist suspects, according to FBI insiders (20b). A little over two weeks later a Black Muslim convert killed William Long, a young military recruiter in Arkansas (20c). Two days later, under pressure, Obama said he was “saddened” by the young recruiter’s murder (20d). By contrast, within hours of abortionist George Tiller’s murder, Obama stated his “outrage” and positioned law enforcement to secure abortion facilities. (20e)

21. Obama political appointees forced career lawyers at the Justice Dept to drop charges in a case already won against a New Black Panther Party member found guilty of what the lawyers said was the most blatant case they had ever seen of voter intimidation - guarding a Philadelphia polling place with a weapon in hand and (among other threats) telling a white poll worker that "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker." (21)

22. Released CIA memos that gave away our interrogation tactics to terrorists (22a), but refused to release CIA memos showing the effectiveness of enhanced interrogation techniques (22b)

23. Hugged Hugo Chavez and received a book from him on communism (23a). Chavez later joked to Fidel Castro that Obama, taking over GM, is more leftist than they are (23b).

24. Normalized relations with Cuba (24a). Castro has said Obama’s talk of democracy in Cuba was lip-service to get elected (24b) and has asked how he can help Obama’s agenda (24c)

25. Conducted a “photo op” of Air Force One which resulted in NYC residents running in fear from their own president’s plane. (25)

26. Bowed to the Saudi king. (26)

27. Closed GM dealerships that were making profits but whose owners were Republicans. (27)

28. Appeared on David Letterman Show and alluded to his poor bowling being “Special Olympics.” (28)

29. Had time for Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, and Obama himself to target Rush Limbaugh and other individuals (29a) though Britain’s Sir Gus O’Donnell was complaining that nobody would answer phones at the Treasury Dept because Obama hadn’t filled vital positions (29b). He also appeared on Saturday Night Live and made other guest appearances when vital positions were still empty. (29c)

30. Fired AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin after he reported to Congress that Obama’s political friend and campaigner, Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson, was receiving federal money fraudulently and Obama’s appointees were making sure he would continue to receive federal money by denying the inspector general access to their meetings . Johnson and the school he founded are also being investigated by the FBI for obstruction of justice after deleting vital e-mails related to the case (30a) and have been accused of also attempting to cover up Johnson’s fondling of a girl at the school (30b).

31. Gave Walpin one hour to decide to resign or be fired. When he wouldn’t resign they fired him without giving him and Congress both a reason for the dismissal and 30 days to dispute the reasons – as required by a law passed last year which was co-sponsored by Barack Obama (31)

32. When asked for the reason Walpin was fired, the White House falsely smeared Walpin by saying he was senile, citing a contentious meeting where he was “confused” – a meeting in which the board constantly interrupted him and refused to give him time to right his notes after they had messed them up while he was on break, according to a witness at that meeting (32)

33. Passed in the stimulus an electronic medical records package with large loopholes to medical privacy guarantees, which may mean our medical records could be accessed by Google, for instance(33).

34. Withheld Treasury documents from the Inspector General, claiming that he was under the control of the very department he was supposed to audit. There are currently investigations of Obama administration manhandling of inspectors general tasked with investigating International Trade Commission (including another illegal IG firing), Amtrak, TARP execution at the Treasury Dept, AmeriCorps, and the Library of Congress. (34 and related)

35. Appointed as “Terrorism Czar” John Brennan, the CEO of a security company whose employee illegally accessed Obama’s passport files. His employee was the the only one of 3 who accessed Obama’s file who was not fired for doing so. Obama has also put Brennan in charge of changing the computer process for printing passports. Passport records are some of the documents Obama has spent close to a million dollars on lawyers to hide from the American public. (35)

36. Claiming he mustn’t “meddle” in Iran’s sovereignty, immediately recognized as legitimate the Iranian election (with well over 100% voter turnout acknowledged by even the regime) and withheld criticism of the violent crackdown of peaceful protests in Iran until after most of the free world had already condemned it. Students in Iran said from the outset that if Obama accepted the election’s results and legitimized the regime, peaceful protesters’ lives and their bid for real democracy were doomed. (36)

37. Very willing to “meddle” in Honduran sovereignty, communicated persistently with Honduras’ military leaders urging them not to follow the orders of their own Supreme Court in stopping the illegal referendum by which leftist President Manuel Zelaya intended to take over the country like his chief ally, Hugo Chavez, did in Venezuela. The Supreme Court ordered the military to capture Zelaya on the day of the election when it was evident he was in the act of disobeying their Constitution and the judicial and legislative decisions which all agreed that the referendum was unconstitutional. (37a) Obama and Sec of State Hillary Clinton condemned the Honduran military/Supreme Court who arrested Zelaya for breaking the law. (37b) Article 239 of the Honduran Constitution says, "No citizen that has already served as head of the Executive Branch can be President or Vice-President. Whoever violates this law or proposes its reform, as well as those that support such violation directly or indirectly, will immediately cease in their functions and will be unable to hold any public office for a period of 10 years." (37c)

1) a)


2) a)



3) )

4) and and


5b )






10) )





13) and

14) a)


15) a)


c) )

d) )

e) and



h) Included in previous references.



17 a)



18) a)






20) a)






22) a)


23) a)


24) a)



25) and editorial comment




29) a) and



30) a) See and related links.




33) See and related links.

34) See and related links, and .



37) a)

b) )
